

也许这是你遗愿清单上的第一条. 也许这是你犯过的最好的错误. No matter how you grab onto Nevada’s world of outdoor activities 和 recreation, 内华达州拥有丰富的自然资源. 了解24个内华达州州立公园和两个国家公园, 人迹罕至的国家纪念碑, 还有数百万英亩的公共土地. Hike easy ambles or alpine scrambles in the Lower 48’s most mountainous state. 探索原始的高山湖泊和鳟鱼聚集的溪流. 攀登世界上最高的室外攀岩墙, 把拉斯维加斯大道变成一个滑雪胜地, 潜入一些最纯净的, 地球上最清澈的水. Tackle fresh mountain bike singletrack or thous和s of miles of off-road action, 然后潜入美国最天然的温泉. Basically, whatever you’re after, wide range of Nevada recreational activities has you covered.



和我们一样深爱着银州? 学习你能做什么 to help us keep the 的地方 we cherish special—和 开放—for us 和 future generations.

这片土地真是 你的 土地

内华达的巨大. And 更多的 than 85% of it is pretty much unfenced, totally wild, 和—most importantly—公共. 在美国大陆的比例最高.S. 的纯, 开放, 原封未动的画布,满足你所有的娱乐欲望, 说到冒险, 内华达州是无敌的. If that’s not enough to send you out into thous和s of miles of trails, 数百个温泉, 和更多的 鬼城 than “living” towns, all beneath the darkest skies in the Lower 48, we’re not sure what is. 去僻静的湖泊和溪流探险怎么样, 只有你和本地鳟鱼的地方? 熟悉所有州的规章制度, 但在内华达州的户外活动, 通过露营来高举自由的旗帜, 热的出现, 徒步旅行, 并且在你想要的任何地方都可以超值.


虽然内华达是离网者的天堂, 穷乡僻壤的娱乐幸福, many of the Silver 状态’s world-class destinations are just up the interstate from our biggest metro area, 世界娱乐之都. Hit up visitors centers for maps 和 intriguing exhibits before exploring Nevada’s national recreation areas 和 national monuments, 包括容易接近 米德湖图里的弹簧—home to one of the world’s largest concentration of ice age fossils—as well as remote 和 rugged 黄金孤峰 或是盆地和山脉开阔的慰藉.

寻找踪迹? 找到你需要的一切 NVTrailFinder.com


However many days (or weeks) you’ve got for your adventure, rest assured that Nevada can fill ‘em. That said, it doesn’t take long to get to some of our favorite 的地方 to make memories. Up north, make 里诺 your basecamp for day trips 和 overnighters to world-famous destinations 就像 南太浩湖, 金字塔湖, 黑岩沙漠等等。. If you’re in Vegas f或者是 weekend, take your pic for your nature fix 和 blast out to nearby 春天山牧场州立公园, 红岩国家保护区约书亚树高速公路 Mt. 查尔斯顿,甚至 火之谷 or 死亡谷而且还能及时赶回去吃晚餐.

However many days (or weeks) you’ve got for your adventure, rest assured that Nevada can fill ‘em. That said, it doesn’t take long to get to some of our favorite 的地方 to make memories. Up north, make 里诺 your basecamp for day trips 和 overnighters to world-famous destinations 就像 南太浩湖, 金字塔湖, 黑岩沙漠等等。. If you’re in Vegas f或者是 weekend, take your pic for your nature fix 和 blast out to nearby 春天山牧场州立公园, 红岩国家保护区约书亚树高速公路 Mt. 查尔斯顿,甚至 火之谷 or 死亡谷而且还能及时赶回去吃晚餐.


但如果你进入内华达,时间又站在你这边, Nevada’s wide-开放 roads (和 trails 和 tracks 和 backcountry everything) are calling, with the promise of truly limitless opportunities for extended outdoor recreation adventures. Pack your adventure-mobile, point it toward a dirt-road horizon 和 tackle a route 就像 高岩峡谷 或者是 Silver 状态 OHV Trail. 系好鞋带,去徒步旅行吧,就像 红宝石冠国家休闲步道 或者是 Toiyabe Crest Trail. 带上你的露营装备, 放下一个齿轮, 消失在这个国家最偏远的荒野中, 就像 金丘国家纪念碑 或者是 Jarbidge荒野. 因为如果你最喜欢的娱乐方式是看到远方 “下一个拐弯处还有什么?” 你的思维状态很好.

# 世界杯下注网站

我想通过你来帮助其他内华达爱好者冒险? 使用# 世界杯下注网站或#NVAdventure(或两者都用)!)来分享你对银州娱乐的迷恋. 如果我们喜欢你的照片,你可能会在这里找到它.

#bewarethepuns #punsforfuns #rudy #vanlife #roughingit #ontheroad #kickstarter #travelgram #vaninspo #conversionvan #travelphotography #v和wellers #customhats #customvans #nevada #the开放road #socialdistancing #totheextreme
这是我这个季节最喜欢的照片. Even though our season was cut short I am so thankful f或者是 opportunity to encounter these amazing fish. Hoping 和 praying for everyone’s safety 和 looking forward to October!

#truckeeriver #flyfishing #flyfishingjunkie #fishing #onthefly #esn #euronymphing #trout #rainbowtrout #browntrout #nymphing #troutfishing #palmmeat #renoflyshop  #catch和release #fishinglife  #nature #flyfish #trophytrout #flyfishing #troutflies #flyfishingaddict #onthefly #renotahoe #palmmeat #nevada #nevadaflyfishing #guidedflyfishing  #nevadaoutdoors #gripngrin #tightlinenymphing #barbless
Scenic driving in the heat on Route 374 called Nevada's Gateway To 死亡谷
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#deathvalley #deathvalleylove #deathvalleynationalpark # 世界杯下注网站 #nevada #scenicdrive #scenicview #nationalparkgeek #nevadadesert #explorenevada #roadtripusa #travelusa #USAPrimeShot #usinterior #findyourpark #capturedonhuawei #teamhuawei #huaweiphotography #p30pro #roadtrippin #californiatrip #westbysouthwest #roadtrips #igsouthwest #divine_deserts #instaroad #adventureisoutthere #huaweinextimage #nps #just_unitedstates
Garnet Hill rockound地区
This incredible free 公共 recreation area has drawn national attention for its beautifully rich, dark red garnets naturally occurring in the hillsides surrounding 伊利.💎

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#สัญญาว่ารอบนี้จะไม่ดองรูป .
. .
#goodvibesonly #laughlinnevada #coloradoriver #vegasbaby #travelnevada #outdooradventures #getoutside #lakelife⚓️ #summertime #crew #adventureisoutthere #stay和w和er
杰西又拿到了一个FA. Just out exploring 和 putting up new problems yesterday in the Spring Mountain Wilderness. 
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亲爱的未来的自己....你很快就会说出一个完全不同的故事. One of healing, hope, adventure, health, travel, peace, 和 happiness. 这是忙碌的一周/一个月/一年. 坚持住,朋友💛
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