矿业 & 但他

矿业 & 但他

有着白银之州的美称, 你最好相信内华达州是矿业史上的头奖. 用历史和现代的白银, 黄金, 还有遍布该州的铜矿, there are countless ways to zero in on the massive amounts of wealth Nevada mines produce to this day. Head for guided tours of historic mines that put Nevada on the map, hop on a tour of some modern-day 内华达州的矿山 在地球上一些最大的露天矿中, 或者用手多敲几下石头 你有没有哭过“我找到了”!来自全国各地. 内华达绿松石 是否比其他州更容易接近,除了自然吗 石英晶体,免费的石榴石挖掘地点,以及稀有的 黑火蛋白石 公共矿山. 拿起纸质地图, 一些工具——石锤, 花园叉, 喷瓶和一个容器来装你所有的发现. 你会很高兴你把它们带来了.


  • 最大的银矿罢工 & 世界上最大的金矿
  • 绿松石,黑火蛋白石 & 大量的石榴石
  • 免费攀岩指南
所有的矿山 & 但他

内华达州的黄金和白银储量居全国之首,但请继续挖掘. These hills yield a kaleidoscopic spectrum of precious and semiprecious gems, too.


(答案是肯定的,你真的 可以.)






内华达州的矿业故事在它成为一个正式的州之前就已经开始了, 19世纪中期,拓荒者向西前往加州金矿. 有些人沿路练习探矿, 而是在内华达州在后来的代顿发现了第一个金矿之后, 许多人留下来看看还能找到什么. 结果, 就在山上, 这将是世界上最大的银矿发现, 立即召唤成千上万的西部矿工东” 来分一杯羹 康斯托克矿脉. The boom years of the first major discovery in the United 状态s produced 更多的 than $300 million bucks, 其中大部分为西海岸的发展提供了资金, 推翻了南北战争的法案, 内华达州正式成为美国的州 银州.

The bulk of what is mined in Nevada now isn’t much different than it was in 1859, 它仍然是世界上最大的金银产地之一. 内华达州的大部分主要矿山都围绕着埃尔科, 伊利, 温尼姆卡和洛夫洛克, 并在夏季向公众开放旅游. 看看现代采矿设备, 比如卡车比你的房子还大, some of the most massive open mine pits in Nevada at 的地方 like Nevada 黄金 Mines—the largest 黄金 mining operation in the world. 


那内华达州那些老矿镇呢? 内华达州拥有全国最多的鬼城和历史悠久的矿区, 所以如果你想算出内华达州有多少煤矿, 我们是在 成千上万的人. Stand in the footsteps of Nevada’s forefathers at 维吉尼亚市’s historic 银 mines on the Chollar, 杰克 or 康斯托克金矿厂 游览,或向南去看看 埃尔多拉多峡谷的技术矿山—a mine as famous for its bountiful riches as the outlaws and desperados who flocked to it.  



作为北美唯一能找到这种极其珍贵的东西的地方, 非常罕见的乳白色史前木材, 这不足为奇 处女谷黑火蛋白石 内华达州的州宝石是什么. 在内华达州西北部挖个鹤嘴锄自己的矿吧 财源滚滚, 彩虹脊, 皇家孔雀 蛋白石矿山.

埃尔拉多大峡谷 to Jarbidge 和奥西奥拉 维吉尼亚市, hundreds of mining camps sprung to life across Nevada right around that same time—some strikes the biggest, 还有其他人 纯粹,许多注定要成为内华达州最著名的矿业城镇, 多亏了横贯大陆铁路的到来. 黄金, 银, 铜矿在全州遍地开花, which is how damn near all of Nevada’s still standing cities and towns first got their start. 今天, 更多的 than 20 minerals are mined in Nevada—some so unique they’ve drawn the likes of businesses like Tesla and Panasonic. 


Millions of years of geologic activity made Nevada—much of which was once a sea floor—the perfect stomping grounds for mining 黄金 and other precious minerals, while also forming distinctive fossils and countless crowdless Nevada rockhounding sites, 承载着难以想象的多样性. That combined with millions of acres of unfenced public land access makes for next to perfect conditions in this rockhounders paradise. 

银州是绿松石开采圣地. 事实上, 内华达州拥有比其他任何州都多的绿松石矿, 这里珍贵的罗伊斯顿蓝调甚至启发了蒂芙尼 & Co.标志性的色调. For one of the best 的地方 to rockhound Nevada, head straight to the source at the 奥特森兄弟绿松石矿之旅 在Tonopah.

其他珍贵的内华达州摇滚地点可以在伊利外找到, 和天然石榴石有一点关系. 当探矿者第一次来到内华达州, 他们不断在从伊利到埃尔科的山脉中发现红色宝石. Though originally assumed to be rubies—hence naming the area’s iconic range the Ruby山原来它们是石榴石,而且相当大. 当地和来访的地质学家和猎岩人前往 石榴石山 因为可以在地面上找到相当大的石榴石, 嵌入矩阵, 或者埋在地下的大量沉积物中. 


除了绿松石和石榴石,山上还有别的东西. Huge deposits of petrified wood and some of the best rockhounding in northern Nevada await near Denio and the 谢尔登国家野生动物保护区. 不要害怕! 我们说的可不是什么古老的石化木材, 来自世界各地的猎岩人前往内华达州西北部,在那里 使成乳色木 等待. 不, not a typo; this is one of the only 的地方 in the world the very rare process occurred, 形成了 处女谷黑火蛋白石. Some of the best opal 内华达州的矿山 can be found in this region—just take your pick. 

及以后? 内华达南部一些最好的攀岩活动就在外面 采金的,在一个叫做 Gemfield. Here, you can dig for chalcedony, agate, jasper, quartz, countless other claims. Snag a few pocket-sized baubles that catch your eye, or load actual buckets of finds for a tiny fee. Though the rest of the state is loaded with dig sites presenting this kind of diversity, Gemfield is special because so many different types of rocks and minerals are found within one area.


不要让我们史诗般的风景欺骗了你. Underneath the surface are hidden gems – literally – that are yours for the taking. 绿松石, 石榴石, 黑火蛋白石, a whole lot 更多的 are still routinely unearthed from hills that used to (and sometimes still do) boom with 黄金 and 银.  拿起一个,看看你会带什么宝物回家作为纪念品. 

# NVAdventure

Snap a photographic “gem” while you were getting after that rockin’ Nevada geology? 将这些照片标记为# NVAdventure,与你的同伴分享. 如果我们挖掘它,你可能会在这里找到它!

我这周末在皇家孔雀蛋白石矿的闪亮发现. #挖掘泥土#忽略干手#内华达州的家庭主妇
在#chollarmine里面,财富仍然隐藏着... no wonder #virginiacity is said to be one of the most #haunted towns in America - some of those old miners still think they’ll strike it rich!🤠⚒ 👻

# explorenevada
# schurznevada
# highway95
# nevadarocks 
# rockchuck 
# rockshop
# nevadavariscite 
# nevadaturquoise
# turquoiseterritory 
# nebulavariscite 
# dugbyhandwithlove 
# cabochonsupplier 
# jewelrysupplier
# ladysmith
# riojeweler 
# supportlocal 
# buyitnow 
# shopsmallbusiness 
# momandpopshop
火谷,内华达玛瑙! 如此耀眼的光芒! Special thank you to the Southern Nevada Gem and Mineral Society for letting me come and slice them down so I didn’t have to travel back to 可以ada with  500 lbs of rocks! #valleyoffirestatepark #rockhounding #agate #druzyagate #sngms #nerdmom #iloverocks #gemdigger #agatehunting #travelnevada #outdoorfun #familyday
Had a couple cool finds when I was venturing around the mountains between Virginia city and Dayton Nevada. The first cluster looks like a brain to me 😂🔥 the second picture is the highest grade of selenite I’ve ever found. 今天收获不多,但探索未知领域的感觉很好. #rockhound #rockhounding #rockhunting #crystals #crystalhealing #quartz #selenite #amethyst #nevada # explorenevada #minerals #geology #mineralcollecting #adventure #hiker #prospecting #crystalhunting

#rockhounding #rockhound #hikenevada #nevada #nevadadesert #nevadatrails #travelnevada #hike #hiking #hikingadventures #wood #petrifiedwood #agates #agatizedwood #agate #lizard #hornytoads #reptiles #explore
This awesome hot springs area near Fallon produces gorgeous malachite, azurite, turquoise. 温泉与多种矿脉有关. #rockhounding #rockhoundingnevada #nevadarockhound #homemeansnevada #overlanding #travelnevada # explorenevada #renotahoe #desert #highdesert #geology #greatbasin #hiking #roadtrip #hotsprings
在#伊利, #Nevada we found small 石榴石 that look like the bright red seeds you find inside in a pomegranate. They are beautiful stones that can be find at the #石榴石山 Recreation Area! 你甚至可以把它们带回家.  We're here filming with geologist Brett Wagers for our #travel series #SeeingtheUSA. 它在亚马逊黄金视频和美国公共电视台播出,包括#PBS. 参观内华达,游览我的公共土地
以下是我在新索赔(尚未命名)中发现的一些样本。. It cleaves like opal, has the color of the powderest blue turquoise and I think it's variscite. 我送一些去实验室确认一下. 🥰但我很兴奋地打磨了一些,看看
这是我最近在内华达州发现的角砾蛋白石. 没想到会在里面! 我要去挖掘更多的东西🙌<e:1>
